涂燊博士 副教授
学术兼职:担任SCI杂志Frontiers in Human Neuroscience客座编辑
宋莎莎,涂燊(通讯作者). (2022).影响农村留守妇女心理健康的原因和对策分析.农村经济与科技, 1: 175-177.
Wan, S., Lin, S., Li, S., Tu, S., Qin, G. (2022). The relationship between perfectionism and test anxiety of junior high school students: the mediating role of self-efficacy and trait anxiety. Educational Studies, 1-16.
Liu, Q., Tan, J., Feng, Z., Tu, S. (2022). The role of socioeconomic status in different trajectories of depressive symptoms in Chinese college freshmen. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
涂燊,梁秋霞,朱思施,李昌俊,刘庆英,周亚娟. (2021).序列语义的类别一致性关系能否进行无意识整合? 心理发展与教育, 37(1), 10-18.
Tu, S., Jou, J., Zhao, G., Jiang, J. (2021). Editorial: The Depth and Complexity of Unconscious Processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15.
李昌俊,贾东立,涂燊(通讯作者). (2021).救援人员的主要心理问题、相关因素与干预策略.灾害学,2021,36(1),148-152.
李昌俊,贾贺男,贾东立,赵伍,陆紫欣,武迪,涂燊(通讯作者). (2021).青年婚恋安全感问卷的编制及效度和信度.中国心理卫生杂志, 35(08), 670-675.
Zhao, G., Zhuang, Q., Ma, J., Tu, S., Li, S. (2021). Contextual cueing accelerated and enhanced by monetary reward: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 623931.
Tu, S., Wan, S., Jou, J., Ma, Y., Zhao, G., Pan, W. (2020). Can unconscious sequential integration of semantic information occur when the prime Chinese characters are displayed from left to right? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(3), 1221-1229.
Tu, S., Zhu, S., Liang, Q., Jou, J., Wan, S., Zhao, G., et al. (2020). Unconscious integration of sequentially presented subliminal arrow pointing directions. Australian Journal of Psychology, 72(1), 82-92.
Tu, S., Liu, C., Zhu, S., Jou, J., Zhou, Y., Wan, S. (2019). The Semantic Integration Between Two Subliminally Perceived Words Simultaneously Presented at Different Locations. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,48(5), 1087-1110.
Yidan, M., Weifeng, X., Shen, T. (2019). Automatic Inattention to Attractive Alternative Partners Helps Male Heterosexual Chinese College Students Maintain Romantic Relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1687.
Ma, Y., Xue, W., Zhao, G., Tu, S., Zheng, Y. (2019). Romantic Love and Attentional Biases Toward Attractive Alternatives and Rivals: Long-Term Relationship Maintenance Among Female Chinese College Students. Evolutionary Psychology, 17(4), 2129012225.
刘玮,涂燊,涂平,何正胜,张晓军,张梅. (2019).自闭症儿童"美术治疗"实践中存在的问题及对策.绥化学院学报(7), 79-83.
马炜婷,涂燊,周玲. (2019).私立幼儿园户外活动现状及对策— —以四川省芦山县为例.河南教育:幼教(8), 32-36.
梁秋霞,涂燊(通讯作者),刘泓利. (2018).小学六年级员工安全感、自尊、信任的关系研究.石家庄学院学报, 20(3), 145-151.
王丁丁,蒋艺,康钊,涂燊(通讯作者). (2018).老员工身体自尊与一般自我效能感:人际关系的中介作用.贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 36(1), 111-117.
梁秋霞,李纬,涂燊(通讯作者). (2018).硕士研究生安全感状况的调查分析.卫生软科学, 32(1), 58-62.